General Questions

A pet modeling agency is a company that represents and promotes animal models for various commercial and advertising projects
A: Our agency represents pets including dogs and cats
A: No, we represent all types of pets regardless of breed or mix.
A: You can submit your pet's photos and information through our online submission form or by emailing us directly.
A: Our pets have worked on various projects including advertising campaigns, TV commercials, and photo shoots.
A: Requirements can vary depending on the project, but typically include a friendly and well-behaved demeanor, good health, and proper training.
A: If your pet is selected, one of our agents will reach out to you with all the details and to answer any questions.
A: The compensation and benefits vary depending on the project and can include payment, travel expenses, and professional grooming services.
A: Our agents will provide you with all the necessary information and guidance to prepare your pet for a modeling project. This may include training, grooming, and preparing for specific actions or behaviors.

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