
Welcome to Purr and Bark Talent, the premier pet talent agency for dogs and cats. Our mission is to provide a platform for talented pets to showcase their skills and talents on the big screen. We understand that every pet is unique and special, and we take great care in selecting only the best and most suitable pets for each casting opportunity. We pride ourselves on our reputation for finding the perfect pet for any project, and have had great success in placing our pets in a wide range of productions, from commercials to feature films.

If you're a pet owner with a talented furry friend, we'd love to hear from you. Submit your pet's information and photos through our online registration form, and we'll be in touch if we think they're a good fit for one of our upcoming projects.

Thank you for considering Purr and Bark Talent as your pet's path to stardom!

Pet-tential Stars


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Purr and Bark

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